The Essential Functions of Smart Machines: Moving Beyond Traditional Controls

In the pursuit of digital optimization and the evolution of machines into truly intelligent entities, comprehending the fundamental functions that smart machines should possess is paramount. Beyond traditional controls, these advanced systems must seamlessly integrate into complex manufacturing ecosystems, exhibiting native hierarchical control design and smart capabilities. Let's explore the key aspects that define the functions of these intelligent machines, addressing not only their basic functions but also their constraints and advanced capabilities.

Basic Functions: Native Hierarchical Control Design

At the heart of smart machines lies the imperative need for "right production," a concept that emphasizes precise control of production processes. Unlike the conventional one-size-fits-all approach, smart machines acknowledge the intricate nature of manufacturing sites, involving various stakeholders with diverse roles and skill levels. To achieve digital optimization, it is essential to incorporate a "native" hierarchical control design and built-in management mechanisms in the machine controller software.

This native intelligence serves as the foundation for effective top-down smart manufacturing, significantly enhancing overall factory competitiveness. For instance, smart machines take on the responsibility of "right production" by employing features such as hole positions and photoelectric sensors as the last line of defense to ensure the installation of the correct molds. To address manufacturing site complexities, such as segregating trial production from mass production, machine equipment manufacturers must embrace this paradigm shift. Integrating trial production, mass production, and other management modes into standard operating procedures becomes crucial for achieving a holistic and streamlined approach to manufacturing.

Smart Capabilities: Native..

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